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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  November 15, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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& hello i'm jennifer gilbert.and i'm jeff barndd legalizing... marijuana in maryland..../ after... two states p..already voted approve it..../ video has resurffced of president obama at one timee suppooting decrimmnalizing pot. pot. keith daniels, live downtown with whaa direction maryland could go.. k. keith. jennifer and jeff.... it's an iisue that could have an baltimore.. anndacross the the people weigh in..-&in. 3 3 3 3 bbck in thh 1920's...." in thh 1920's...."
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3&opponents say 3&popppnents say marijuana shou
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&pnever e made legal..... thee all it he "gatewaa drug" to ee more harmfullillegal drugs. keithhdaniels, ox 45 news at
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ten. marijuana... have... been mmrried... for decadee. decades.use among children is g. 20--1more ttan 22- percent of high sccool enioos sayythey've used pot during the past 30 days... days...áfewerá ay they've used cigarettes ddrrng the past 30 days days mosttpeople... arrested ...for... drug posession.../ are... found with poo....//.more than... 48- percent of the people arrested... innthe northeast.../ are arrrsted or... having mar/ mariiuana....//áfará... more... than... any otter drug... on the list. read more... on this story... by... going to... the website.....// go... to... foxballimore dot pom ... and... click on... "washington guardian" ...under hot topics. phat brrngs... us to our question of hh day.should we legalize marijuuna? marijjana?this is our ffcebook page...huunreds of yoo commented on this question tonight...moot of you say it should be legalized...a few oo still oing on right poin the discussion byygoing
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to facebook dot com slash fox- baltimore new ttnight...a jury finds the former ...bowie accusee of death...ánotá guilty....f al - 7 ccarges against her simpson as accusee of murder and carrying a deadly weapon. prosecutors say simpson killed of 2011..... afterrthey got er - into annargument over loud music.simpson said she was trying to defend hersell two men accused in the de- capiiation killings of three young children are preparing po stand rial for the third ti. time. pooicarpio espinooa and adan canela rejected a plea deal resulted in a 40-yearrprison sentence. insttad, they chose to stand trial in march for the 004 murders of three yoong relatives. they were convicted of murder six years ago..but a hhgghcourt later overturned their convictions. the case prove this time..,.. one offthe key witnesses has since
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pied. another is serving ttme in a mexican prison. the... father... accused of stabbing... his... one year olddson... to death ... will... ánotáá.. sand trial...//. crime and justice... reporter joy llpola ... explainn... why...// why...// firrt on fox. fox. ((pkg)) 26 year old hari close is behind bars after 1 year old son.... in ing is - exxhange for his guilty plea.... the government aggeed to a sentence of ife with ll 3 at ten.lepola fox 45 news baatimore joy lepola fox 45 news at ten.
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should... close... violate - probation.../ . he... could be ssnt prison forrlife. emails obtained by fox 45 show more problems with crime reporting inside city schoolss psing in-house referraas to re peep someeschool crimes off the books. now ii this email.... city pollce say reports on dozens of serious felony crimes that occuredd inside city schools are
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incomplete or missing. those &preports are used to determine a school's safety rating. it's unccear if the incompletee reports affected the investigation or prosecution of aay crrmes. school officials say they are n the missing paperwork. for the balttmore grand prix organizers are calling this pear's race a win... despite a new report hat shows numbers were significantly down! pyranda stephens is downtown with a closer look t the report... and how organizers organizerssare movinggforrard to next year. &p3 myranna: baltimore grand 3 fox45 news at ten. myraada stephens, fox45 newssat en.
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3 congress... caaled in... top... white--house.... officials.../ to... testify... about exactly... wwat happened... in the deadly... libya attack. attack. ost ... of ...the hearings... are closed... for... national security reasons...///. but... the... house foreign affairs... committee... held figure out... hy the white . "shady"... intelligence.../ days... was... a... planned... terrorist strike...///. republican... lawmakers... also used... the hearings voice their disapproval... of... of an... aati-muslim video. 3 now presiient obama has the gall toofloat the name as possible secretary of sttte the aattal vehicle used tt misinform the american peopll durinn this crisis 3 people ddring his crisis
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gneral... david petraeus scheduled to testify... behind closed doors tomorrow....// he resigned ...shortly after... the election.../ citinn an... affair...///. investigatinn....// clinton... will testify... ometime next month. while a lot of mystery still are the things we do know. ((take pkg))((calendar))it was the 9-11 attackk-- the one 'this' year.september 11th, 2012..((take vvo)flames, ddstruction, and death at the u.s. ccnsulate in beeghazi. fourramericans - killed - including u.s. 3 p3 from the start.terrorist attack knew it was a the whitee house republicans say the white house knew it was a terrorist attack from the starr.
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3 from the start.terrorist attacc knew it was a the white house republicans ay benghazi attack."responssbility for sharia claims responsibility republicans say the whitee houseeknew it was a terrorist attackkfrom the start. 3 3 from the start.terrorist attack knew it was a terrorist attack from the start. similaritiis between thh the
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attack in benghazi......and watergatt...tonnght on the late edition at 11 3 . it couldn't make the turn and t blocked the whole street" street.""ig rigs... damaging property in bbltimore cconty the problem that may be sending them down small streets...coming up ánewá at 10-30 tonight 52-100"all day, every day, he'll wake up....... fall &pasleep with it." it." and oddlers with
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3 and toddlers with i-pads. why some say its becoming a form of addiction and what parents can dooabout it. i'm janice pprk live aa barclay and 21st in east intersections that won't havee a crossing guards starting tomorrow. coming up after the the city explains why..- ask any school
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g@gooww crossing guard...and they'll
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tell you about the closs calls they've encountereddtookeep kids safe. safe..anice park streaming us why more than 60 baltimoree - citt intersecttons will áno lonner have sccool crossing guards.jannce? janiceejennifer,we're live here at barclay and 21st. it didn't take long barclay and
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21st. we're live here at barclay and 21st. it didn't take long for us to find plenty of parents whoonow say pheir children will be put in danger.the crossing guard here today she left n tears.she , - has had several close calls... because the department of transportation basee on the number of kids that cross everyday...and cars thht pass...she's ánot needee. for the past four years... carmeliia barrholomew has come to thh saae ntersection, and put on her vess and hat. hat.whatt egan as a thankless,it leaves her in te. tears.the city department of transpprtation will be 66 of its 466 city uards from intersections.meaning carmelita, whose grown to love each of her "kids", won't be here tomorrow: tomorrow: the ity says the decision iss paaed on a federal standard..whhch say a rossing guard is only needed at an intersection if there are at
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busy ssreets of east baltimore: baltimore:"once they stop, they barrel down here, faster parents says it's a mmtter of life and death: death:"these kids need a crrssing guard, in morning time, hose watch kids, they need an aault" pdult""they movv her than what city gging to pay for funeral " costs?""a lot of kids are going to get hit, greenmmnt is one of busiest crosswalks out grumblings...the city tands py its decision: &pdecision:"getting rid of ttos intersections, where there's no longer needed, did a 1 or 2 ccildren useeintersection across the street" i'll see you soon at another - wwrk sitt"aadecision based on efficency...but some ssy ánot on the heart". the heart".some say ánot on on efficency...but some say ánot on the heartt. -3 the city says they're not
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firing or leeting go any school crossing guards. they will ust be moved to ddfferent nnws at ten.imore, jp fox45 taiited... massachusetts pharmacy... caused a... nationnide outbreak... of... fungal meningitis... meninggtis...this map ... from the centers for disease controo ... show ...just how big ...the problem became../.461 casess/...cross 11 states.../ 36 people died...//. ámichiganá... had the most cases../. had the most cases../. but... tennessee butt.. most cases../. but... ennessee ...had the most deaths... / 13... of the 81 people in that state died now lawmakers from tennessee are demanding answers.erikaa lathon from our sister station for a conggessional hearings on the outbreak and she's live with new information tonightt tooight. 33& 3 .
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members of senate congressional committee didn't congressional senate members of a . 3 3 3 do it. "12:55:03hold them &ppccountable to the medicine i safe and rrgulating to make sure the medicine is safe and hold them accountable to do it. "12:55:03 ,3
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3 a woman who was a woman whoowas pulled from
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died from her injuries. 3 morninn at a house on lake y court.when firefighters found 59-year-olddkaren diener trrpped on the second floor. she suffered burns to half of her body... and died a short &ptime later at the hospital. still no word on what started a nine-year-old marylanddgirl who lost everything in a house 3 she's... starred the... essentials... they need. 3 lauren... honnz ...and... er family... liie... in seeern..../// but... jjst... a... few months ago,.../ house n hannver... went up in flames... from a grill fire...///. from ... that tragedy, .../ he created... "lauren's luggage"...///. shee.. stuffs... suitcases... full... of blankets... and... nightlights....//
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&p books... and... other 3 that... lauren says... she... missed in those... first... few hours.... and... days... after her family's fire. "you know, she lost everything. she didn't haveea whole llt to give, but she was willing to give what she had."" //butt to//"because it just feels nice giving people stuuf and helping them out, that's just a ice feeling." 3 &pthe luggage... and....everythiig inside...// is... eiiher ddnated... to her organization... or... picked up from goodwill....//lauren... tten... dellvers firefighters... to give away to families. toos tt wx 3xx- 3 3 3 3 3 3
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3 damaged utility poles... prails in lawns...that's just trucks... going down small by streets like this.the confusion that mmy be caussng the problem in baltimore county... in 10 minutes on fox45 news at ten sot -- 05:50 -- (sob!) ipad! (ssbb! pad! ipad!!oddlers addicted to to keep it from
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ironically... the apps that could help wheen them off.
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people... jokk... that they're... can be very reaa. most troubling -- it's affeccing kids! brenda flanagan.... shows us... just... how youngg.. sme of are.../...and... what parents ...can do... to fight the add. addiction. script (tk6) toddlers -- somm
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still sucking binkies -- &interact easily withipads and out 3 &p3 (tk14) im bf (tk14) m bf (tk14) im bf to take it
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3 the"sell by".. and "use by"....dates on your ffod that you can just 15 mmnutes on fox45 news at ten ii takes towing trucks hours to get them dislodgesd ffom pards huue trucks... on these small streets... damaging that may e causing the mes... - confusionnew at 10-30... after the break
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new at 10-30.... & 3
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new at 10-30....a big problem for a small community in baltimore county.residents of idylwylde haae noticed a
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significant increase in traffic. specifically laage trucks.melinda roeder reportt how confusing dettur is causing damage to their propert. 3
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neighbors say in some cases hundred dollars worth of property damage. a... faaher's... arressed... he brought a gun ....o aay... - meeting... at his son's school.
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it happened wednesday morning... at the academy ffr collegg and career eeploration in haapden..../police say rodney parker was called to a disciplinary meeting for his son. he arrived in a ab and dropped a .22 caliber andgun as he was getting out of the car. he cab driver reported it to a police ooficer momentt later.parker was arrested in the front one as an edgwater man. believed to. be the brothhr of actress mia farrow is charged ith sexuulll abusing. two children for years. 66-year-old john charles villers-farrow ssrrended to anne arundellcounty police last night. the nvestigation began in august after two men came forward claiming he molested thhm as ccildren.. the alleged abuse.occurred between 2000 and 008 . . when. the two en were between the ages of eight and charging documents, he showed the oys pornographic videos... and regularly molested them in his home.he faces 14 counts ncluding sex abuse of a minnr.. and
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perverttd practice. city police... arrest... a man ffr the sexual asssult of a 13-year--ld girl. girl. police say 22 year old brian maye approached the viitim last friday.she was walking aaong edmondson avenuu at cooks laae, when heepulled believe the assault happened - inside his vehicle. maye is charged with rape and several other sex offenses. a... p---g.... county... sheriff's deputy... haa... shot and killed a man... who police say... pointed aagun... at him. night... while deputies... wwre trying... tt serve a peace order... pt... a home in riverdale.. ...// "a female subjeet allowed the deputy into the home.... oq: and pronounced at the hospital." hoopital." the suspect has been identified as franklin sweeney punior.deputy sherifffpaul perriello was placed on pdministrative leave -- which
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officer-involved shootings. recovers a woman's body fromm the harbor in canttn. canton.just before 5 this morninn they ggt a call for a person innthe water on bostoo at leakin streee.the victii waa pulled from the water and pronounned ord on an identity. the statt medical examiner says ..... what as founddin a yard n this part of hedge-pocket way in glyndon... áwasá n fact,20 a human hand. a man doing yardwork found the hand wednesday.pooice say they are continuing to investigate. president obama made his second trip to the norrheast since hurricane sandy. many parts of the area are still in shock after the storm leveled towns and leet areas l. flooded.the president touued staten of the areas hardest hit by urrrccne sandy.he alss visited a fema disaster recovery ceeter, showerr and offers victims d informaaion on applying for government help. obama says,,"i promise to &peverybody that i was speaking on half of the ountryywhen i
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said we are going to be here pntil the re have followed do you want ttem to do? step it up, step it up. come down here, put on a pair of boots, get on a paar of gloves, get dollars or whhtever suit, and dig in the dirt. come ann take come in get a little dirty people don't want a pat on the &pback saying 'its gonna be okayy' because it's not." not." new york okay,' because it's not." &pnot." 3 new york governor andrew cuomo billion dollars in federrl aid &ppo helpprebuild afterrsandy. damage ... left behind... by... super storm sandy .. isn't... stopping the efforts... to... rebuild art... of... the... ocean city ....boardwalk. ....boardwalk.according... to the... daily times... of salisbury... / project sufferrd... a... two-day setback... during the storr... /
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it's... still on track... tt be complete ...inn aprii...///.crews... rebuild a section... of thee.. street....///officials say... floodwaters ...from sandy... never reached the worksite. 3 33 3
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we're saying thank you o our viewers with some cash? we're talking about the fox 45 thanksgiveaway?we're paying for your thanksgiving dinnnr. to enter... gootoo ur acebook page... like us... and click on contests. pontests.then... ... we'll giveeaway a 100- dollar gift card on fox 45 morning news... every hour... of thh show... starting at 5 a-m. ...the mystery in thh sky over 10 minutes on fox45 news at ten hhndreds of dollars of good food..ell by.. aad use byy.. which ate should you pay pttentiin to when it comes to tte food you connume?when we come back 3 3
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3 airstrikes... between israel and hamas .../ arr... forcing peeple... in the
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jewish state .../ to seek... shelter. hamas... launched... airssrikes today.../ killing... at... least three issaalls...///. launched airrtrikess... israel wednesday.../ on gaza .../ killing ... ten .../ including... hamassmastermind ... ah-med .../ al-jaabari...///. israeli... defense ministers.../ promise... the minister of deffnse ehud barak has instructed the idf to inflict a severe blow to he hamms terror infrastructure, to hamas' strategic long-range missiles like the ones that wereehit yesterday, the fajar 5 missiles, and israel will uutil we believe that these w objectives haa beennachieved.'' achiived.'' 3 israeli ... primee minister - israeli ... 3 3 has been chieved.'' achieved.'' israeli ... prime & netanyahu - / ays... the nation... relayed... a... plear message to hamas...///. while... the.... hamas chief -/ said... palestinians....will continue ...the "resissance"... against israel. b-p agrees to a monumental settlement.... over that 2010 oil pill in the gulf. gulf.the oil company agrees to pay four-and-a half billion
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guilty to a dozen feeooy deepwater horizon explosion top f 20 billion dollars that the company has agreed to pay into aadamage fund.the explosion killed 11 workerrs and caused on of the worst oil spillssin history. good news... for... wives and ...girlfriendd..../ . ... so called... "love hormone" .../ men... ward off... other women. in geemanyy.. studied the - effect.... of... oxy-- tosinn../// a... hormone... that promotes... bonding... and... reduces confliit... between cou/ couples...///.couples...///. coupless..///.conflict... betweee and... reduccs booding... andd.. reduces conflict... between cou. couples...///.ttey found... that when men.... n monogamous relationships... were given a dose... of... oxy--tosin nasal spray,.../ kept a larger ...physical - distance --- from ... attractive women ...they know...///.but... the hormone... onlyá... worked on men ... n relationnsips...///.
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pingle men ... were just... as likely... to get close... to a pretty stranger.../// whether... or not ...they'd been dosed... tosin.. when you clean out the refrigerator....those use by.. and sell bb dates... on food... can be a little confusi. confusing.the "sell by" date.... is really a reminder to the grocery store hat its timm to move the product.... the "use by" date is more ffr the consummr... that will tell you when the product is past past their use by date... as - long as theyyare stored properly.cheeses-- especially "hard" cheeses... can last months... and cannedd goods...years.still... there's the common sense test. 213-226 if it has freezer burn on it, i throw it outti just kinda use common sense ann liie. iidon't expired today i have o get rid of it " 12.43 out...ill open it up...and if i cant use it ill get rid of it. ii.cold cuts usually cant use pt. cold cuts usually last one week past the "use bb" date... frozen raw meat, wholee. not
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pround.. is typically edible about 12 months past the expiration ate...while frozen "ground" beef-- will hold for about three months.american families toss more than 120 pounds of food each month. wendy crossland, mother: (wttg) "she was gasping for air. she was making ttess awful noises noises coming up nee n the late edition at eleven. deaths blamee n an energy drink overdose.theeinvestigatioo now &punnerway and what it could llad to. 3 &p already down one starting corner back, the ravvns llse another...why jimmy smith will mmss sunday's game and how pucc longer he'll be out... &pnext in sports unlimited... ...and an unusuaa object ii the skyyover denver...the unique way it flies......and what tte f-a-a is saying about it tonight... after theebreak [ female announcer ] welcome one and all
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to a tastier festive feast. so much to sip and savor, a feeding frenzy to say the least. a turkey from safeway will have everyone raving. there's fresh, natural, frozen, whatever you're craving. spend 35 dollars and a frozen safeway turkey is 59 cents a pound. or spend 35 dollars and get a fresh shadybrook farms turkey for 99 cents a pound. so raise your glass, pull up a chair, grab a plate. this tastier thanksgiving is well worth the wait. safeway. ingredients for life. inspiration.
10:53 pm
great power. iconic design. exhilarating performance. [ race announcer ] audi once again has created le mans history! [ male announcer ] and once in a great while... all of the above. take your seat in the incomparable audi a8. take advantage of exceptional values on the audi a8 during the season of audi event. ♪ during the season of audi event. wwth the injury to lardarius webb, jimmy smith has been unableto excell as the new we knowwwhy. pmith hassnot been healthy...not attall allin fact, he nderwent surgery todayyto repair a sporrs one is
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saying out lonn the former number one draft pick will be out, but you can figure at peast 3-4 eeks...and in the means next man ttis case, corey raham will aacend ""ny time yoo're out there youu want to make plays. it's not going to be any differenttthan there. you just go out there for chykie but when you get an opportunntt that's whattyou live for, that's what you want." anticipating smith's and got ome epth this week.....veteran chris johnson, the former raiier...ann he's not gonna &phave much of an accliiation period...right now, it looks like he will be the nicklebbcc come sunday night... "thissis the first time in my career that i actually had to come in during midseaaon and it's really xcitinn and fun . for me o be able to be with good organization and come in &pand just ootribute." 3 and remember you can see the security plus federal cedit union miaa ccampionship ame this saturday at 7-30 on our baltimorr...caavert hall andd
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pilman battle for the "a" championship only on the cw - we'll announce our high schoollgame of the weee &pwinner...cooing up at 11-30 o the late ditionn.. it's... a ...mile high... mystery. mystery.u-f-o's spotted over de. denver. a man who didn't want to be the denver sky.the objectsscan onlyybe seennwhen the vvdeo is slowed down.he says thee objects were flying in the skyy at the same time every day.a denver t-v station set up their own camera.... and captured sometting similar. aviition expert..... who was baffled. ""hat is not an airplane, that is not aaheliccpter, those are identify it.. &p3 3 can't identify itt" 3 no answers either for the f-a-a...... or the north ameriian aerospace command...... which issbased in colorado springs. --song nats---
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nats--- a 122yeaa-old singer... becomes an inteenet star.... the other youtube sensation that insipired her and cominn up on the late edit. "this is my ttuck. thissis my t" trucck fighting back.what one couple did when they spotted their stolen truck...and the big shock they got when they saw who was insiie. and a priist confesses to smuggling drugg. wwy he says he thought heewaa there - doing goo's work. thought hee was aúó
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could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin' donuts smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. hurry in today. america runs on dunkin'.
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aúó there arr... hundreds of songs... about christmas,...// ...comes to... thanksgiving.../ it's... p a... different tune.../ or... at leest ... it... used to be. --soog nats--- nats---nicole westbrook, who is only 12 years old, has become an internet sensstion with her song called "its thanksgiving."her big break pame seven months ago, hen she was discovered by a video producer ho had a similar internet hit last year with a song called 'friday.' now, its a song about a thursday that's gotten


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